InterracialDatingCentral review – Matching interracial singles since 2004
For over 10 years, since 2004, Interracial Dating Central has been successful in matching interracial dating singles. According to an InterracialDatingCentral review on, we created this article to sum up what they said about us.
Key Features of the dating website:
InterracialDatingCentral, as the name suggests, is an online dating platform for the interracial community and not transsexual dating sites. Singles from varied ethnic groups can get together and connect here to find romance and love. The InterracialDatingCentral dating site has a huge member base as per the InterracialDatingCentral review. 92 people voted for the site, score is 81 from 100. To vote for, please, select the desired number of stars and click. You can also leave a detailed review and select the rating by filling review form below. Daily visits 8426. Countries United States (43.8%), United Kingdom (19.7%), Canada (8.5%) Site speed 0.7533760.
- Search and filter based on race or color
- Special coaching articles and videos that will definitely expand dating skills
- Fyooz (The blog section of the site) offers entertaining and fun articles
- Prices are lower than most of the competitors
- Paid users have the ability to create private chat rooms and add whoever they might like
- Video chat with webcams, anonymous audio chat and instant chat are available to the Premium dating site users.
InterracialDatingCentral Overview:
InterracialDatingCentral is a dating site that is focused on helping people looking to date people from different ethnicities than their own. There is a variety of dating opportunities on Interracial Dating Central. For example, some people are interested in black and white dating while others are more likely to engage in Asian and Black dating.
By the time you register with the website, you will be requested to fill necessary details needed to build a representative profile. You will also be asked to provide details such as your race and your preferred race of dating. However, you have to choose if this option is “exclusive” or “preferred”.
Interracial Dating Central Registration process review
Signing up for a basic FREE account is easy and quick. You get a lot of benefits with a FREE account. The registration process is a 3 step process that requires some basic information that includes the background of the member, the preferences of the user etc. Creating an account with Facebook login is also available.
Once the registration process is finished you will be prompted to upload some photos. The FREE members can upload up to five photos. From our experience, photos that display your face work better than photos that display the body or anything else unrelated.
InterracialDatingCentral functionality review
Once you get started with a FREE account, you will be able to view the profile of any member, including paid and free users. Paid users have the ability to see who looked at their profile whereas, free users do not. Free users can send flirts and reply to messages.
Interracial Dating Central review of being a paid member
Paid members have a lot of opportunities and functions that are not available to free members of the interracial dating site. For example, paid members can upload 15 photos rather than 5, they can send messages to anyone, the can send voicemails, or even start video calls with other members. Premium members can also create private interracial dating chat rooms and chat with whoever they might like.
In most locations, there are a lot of members which means single men and single women are available online. You get the chance to sort people by the date that they were last seen online.

Interracial dating central Coaching review
InterracialDatingCentral provides coaching to its members. For example, one kind of coaching is the FREE profile review that each member can get. An agent of the dating site will review your profile and let you know of any recommendations that you may alter to benefit from. There are also some other paid coaching services but we will not focus on them for now. The coaching sector has many FREE coaching videos. The aim of the videos is to help users to improve their dating skills and, therefore their dating opportunities.
InterracialDatingCentral Cost (premium price)
There are various options to consider when becoming a member on InterracialDatingCentral. You will also need to know that there are some times per year that the website offers special offers such as FREE months etc. However, the main prices are:
- Free Basic Account
- 1 Month $19.95
- 3 Months $13.16/month (34% Savings)
- 6 Months $5.82/month (42% Savings)
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- Posted: 11 Aug 20
This site is 90% Cougars So if you are a younger man looking for a woman 15 years older than you... this site is perfect.
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In our Interracial Dating Central review we will take a deep look at Our goal, as with all the sites we have reviewed for our Top Interracial Dating Sites Review is to see if is a site worth your time or another fake site.
Online dating is a fantastic way to meeting men and women of other races but requires a bit of attention if you want to be successful at it. This is despite the fact that you will be communicating with hundreds of men women located all over the world.We have completed our Interracial Dating Central review to ensure you are spending your time in the best place.
All this will be happening from the safety and comfort of your own home, which is the absolute easiest way to go about meeting new people. However, the internet is also full of unscrupulous men and women who will do anything to fleece people out of their hard earned money. This also applies to new visitors to the online dating world.
The good news is that you will not have to worry yourself too much on the authenticity of the online dating site of your choice, if you follow our Interracial Dating Central review.
We have undertaken a thorough and keen investigation Interracial Dating Central review. The information that we have gathered and presented below will show you exactly what the dating site is all about. This will enable you to separate the wheat from the chaff and see things as they really are.
Interracial Dating Central Review
Is Worthwhile?
The following are the reasons we found in our Interracial Dating Central review that sheep’s clothing:
Interracial Dating Central Review Problem #1 – Bad design
One of the first things that will immediately grab our attention during the Interracial Dating Central review is the poor web design of the home page. The background of the entire site is oil black, showing no innovative or creative wall papers that would have done a lot to improve the look and feel of the website. The first impression that online visitors get when they load a web page on their browser is very important, as it will weigh in heavily in forming their general opinion about the site.
Any good dating site knows that their web design has to be the best that the internet has to offer. This will help in attracting new members to the dating site. Having new members constantly signing up for subscription plans is a good thing for any dating site.
This is due to the fact that new members will keep the site relevant and will also give existing members to keep coming back time and time again so that they can try their luck with the latest members to join the site. Unfortunately, in our Interracial Dating Central review we discovered that the site owners have either forgotten this essential point or is ignorant of it altogether.
This is something that the owners of the website will have to look at in the future if they want their website to soar high on ratings and reviews on dating sites.
Interracial Dating Central Review Problem #2 – Redirection
One of the earliest signs of a dating scam is the fact that you Interracial Dating Central review is a bad one. You will not even finish your registration process before being redirected to another site. This is a shady move that is mostly done by websites that want to hide behind a veneer so as to attract people that it would not normally attract. The appropriate term for this is masquerade.
As such, we see in our Interracial Dating Central Review that this site is masquerading in the guise of another website so as to get as many new members as it possibly can.

It is on the second step of the registration process that a brief pop up will appear on whatever screen you are using to access the website. It will state that the next steps of the registration process will be taken care of by the interracial match dating site.
While this fact is not bad or wrong in and of itself, it does point to a potential scam brewing deep underneath the surface. Why do we think this is so important in our Interracial Dating Central Review that you have to register as a member on another dating site?
In order to be above board and above all reproach, registration to be a member should be completed on one site. You should not have to hop between two dating sites in order to do this. Instead of hooking you with one site then making you sign up for another, the owners of the interracial match dating site should advertise and promote their site separately.
This sort of separation between church and state will enable the users to choose the site that favors them the best. This is a better alternative than being coerced to join a site that you did not even click on in the first place. Our Interracial Dating Central Review is not looking promising!
Interracial Dating Central Review Problem #3 – Outdated content
One of the good things that we found in our Interracial Dating Central Review is forums and blogs on the topic of interracial dating. This is a good thing because it will give new online visitors to the site an opportunity to get to know more about interracial dating. Forums and blogs also give members of the site an opportunity to socialize and get to know each other in a community wide forum.

The only problem that we found in our Interracial Dating Central Review is that these forums and blogs have been neglected and left to die. The last time that there was any activity on the forum and blog was 2014. Many months have passed since then. It is also important to note that the blog featuring interracial dating articles and tips was only updated for a few months and then left to die on the roadside.
A genuine dating site and one without shadiness or sketchiness would have a team of writers dedicated to making the forums and blogs as lively as possible. There would also be another team of people with the sole purpose of encouraging motivation to use these facilities.
All this would then go to increasing the value and ‘stickiness’ of the dating site. Stickiness simply refers to the amount of time that new online visitors spend looking through your site before they decide to move on.
A sticky website is a goldmine to its owners. This is due to the fact that new online visitors will be more inclined to spend a little more time on the site than they would normally do. This will surely lead to an increase in the number of new members signing up to be members on the site. Connecting a dating site to active forums and blogs will definitely help in making the site as sticky as is humanly possible.
However, as we found in our Interracial Dating Central Review having inactive and deserted forums and blogs either means that the management of the website is sleeping on the job, or that there are no active members on the site.
Both scenarios are enough to make you think twice about joining the site. That is a big enough sign of shadiness to stop reading this Interracial Dating Central Review.
Interracial Dating Central Review Problem #4 – Poor visibility
Interracial Dating Central Reviews
It was a bit surprising to find out that there is no possibility of scoping out other members in our Interracial Dating Central review. This is due to the fact that everything else on the site is handled and managed by the interracial match website, which is outside the scope of this review.
This just means that for you to find members to talk to, you will have to register with a completely different website and not the one that you clicked on. This is yet another sign of a dubious website that should be avoided like the plague.
It looks as if the website is only made up of a few pages before you are redirected to another website that will take you for the rest of the tour. The fact that you did not choose this website is not brought to the fore at all.
You are just supposed to go along with the flow. This is not how things are supposed to be done, and the fact that you will not see other profiles of other members means that you should be very skeptical of it.
The closest things to profile pictures that can be seen are a bunch of photos of interracial couples on the home page. The good thing with these photos is that they actually look like real pictures of couples and not the photoshopped images that are usually grabbed from stock image websites.
However, there are no names attached, and if you click on any one of the pictures, you will be taken to a registration page belonging to the interracial match website. This basically means that we could end our Interracial Dating Central review now with plenty of evidence to make a decision.
Interracial Dating Central Review Problem #5 – Advertising other dating sites
Since the we found in our Interracial Dating Central review that this site will only redirect you to the interracial match website, it stands to reason that the only reason that the website you clicked on exists is to advertise the interracial match dating site.
As such, this is a big sign of acting like a wolf in sheep’s clothing. You will be lured in by the promises made by the site and then discover that it was all a gimmick invented to make sure that you sign up for a membership subscription on a totally different website.
When a website stops serving its intended purpose and starts advertising another website, then that is cue enough for you to jump ship and choose another online dating site. This is due to the fact that this website (in this case the interracial dating central website) will not fulfill its promise to you. This is a huge indicator that this Interracial Dating Central review is going to be negative.
Interracial Dating Central Reviews And Complaints
Interracial Dating Central review Problem #6 – Very few actual women
We found very few real women while conducting the Interracial Dating Central review. The same can also be said for the men. This is due to the fact that this dating site is only acting as a conduit to the main site, which happens to be the interracial match website.
The fact that the only profile pictures that you could see were those on the home page is very telling indeed.
There are usernames posting in the defunct forums and blogs, but clicking on the profile of a forum poster who last posted a year ago is not how you will get an online date this century. For you to meet any real prospects, you will have to complete your registration on another dating site, thus taking you away from the site that you initially came to. If this happens time and time again, then it should not be hard for you to see why the site itself is just a husk with no member client list to boast of.
When a dating site cannot muster a good showing of interested and active site members, then that site is as good as dead. The fact that all the new members register on another site means that without having the support of the main website, as we found in our Interracial Dating Central review this site is as good as dead.
The Interracial Dating Central Review Verdict
As you have seen in the Interracial Dating Central review is not the site that you would expect to see. It is a husk, that does not want to be seen by naïve dating site visitors until it is too late. You will not be seeing this site on our Best Interracial Dating Sites list.
The design of the site is outdated and in need of serious help before it can amount to anything. The fact that you will be redirected to a different website to complete your registration is something of concern that will need a lot of care and attention.
Interracial Dating Central Blog
This is so as to prevent you from being fleeced of your hard earned money. The best move to make in such a situation would be to leave both site altogether and to go looking for more authentic websites.
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