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By Philip EllisA4a Full Website Template
of Men's Health
Dating is hard. That's just a fact. Dating while queer is often even harder. When you're a guy who's attracted to people of the same gender, there are simply fewer instances in which you can serendipitously meet somebody and experience that romantic spark. Which is why gay bars and other inclusive spaces have become such an important part of life for people in the LGBTQ+ community, including gay and bisexual men.
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Of course, if you're a queer man looking for love, not every town has a gay bar that you can just head to whenever you're in the mood to get your flirt on. And in the pandemic, meeting and mixing with a lot of people in a public setting is out of the question.
Enter: The Apps. Whether you're looking for somebody fun to chat with, to swap photos, or make a connection with the goal of eventually meeting for a real-life date, we've got you covered. These are the 8 best LGBTQ-friendly dating and hookup apps for queer men. (When you find one you like and sign up for an account, make sure you follow these tips for taking a really great photo for your profile!)

Bonus: when you are ready for an-person meet-up with a person you met on one of these dating apps, check out our ideas for awesome first dates and second dates. You'll look like a total romantic genius without breaking the bank.