Dating Profile Examples For 50 Year Old Woman


Dating over 50 can be frustrating, because it does seem many mature women meet older men who are ailing physically, financially or perhaps both. Many singles have worked hard to build their nest eggs and don't want a partner without means to drain their bank accounts with health or monetary needs. Online Dating Profile Examples Here are a few examples of unique online dating profiles. If you wish to understand the concepts behind these examples, please read our tips for writing your online profile. Example 1: Light-Hearted and Silly.

  1. Instead, you receive emails from the 60-year-old creepers who copy and paste the same message to 50 girls half their age. The Same Old Online Dating Profile but no success attracting quality men “I heard people have lots of online dating profile success.
  2. Since many women in the community are looking for a romantic relationship, I decided to write a series of senior dating tips, based on my conversations with our members. This first article will cover the first thing that most people see when they find you on any relationship-focused website – your profile.
  3. First, I’m a 54 year old woman seeking a man. Second, I’ve been on dating sites for only 10 days and already want to cry and cry due to meager, pitiful profiles and some frankly scary pictures. Then, yesterday, I read this really great profile. Cute guy and everything.

Online Dating Profile Examples for Women

In this article you will learn how to transform your profile writing into writing that will attract the highest quality men online

By NEM Founder, Joshua Pompey

It’s easy to attract any man online. But attracting the highest quality men? That is a whole different story. With the highest quality men online receiving multiple emails each day, it is absolutely essential to create a profile that stands out from the competition and sparks immediate interest.

The truth is, I’ve been reading profiles for close to a decade, and most women tend to make very similar mistakes that could easily be avoided by following the correct profile writing advice. Today I am going to highlight some of these mistakes by taking some poorly written online dating profile examples, and transforming them into profiles that quality men will be extremely attracted to. Let’s begin, shall we?

The Cliche Online Dating Profile Example

“I currently work in marketing for Disney and love my job.”

So what exactly is wrong with the above statement? For starters, it is a cliche statement that will blend in with the next 100 profiles. If you want to get noticed online, you have to stand out from the competition and catch a man’s attention.

Secondly, it is a wasted opportunity. Whatever you write in your profile should always be used to highlight your best qualities. Unfortunately, this reveals very little about the writer and what she is all about. Let’s re-write the example above into a profile that will make a quality man take notice…

The New and Improved Online Dating Profile Example

Old: “I currently work in marketing for Disney and love my job.”

New: “Most people love the idea of going to Disney World and unleashing their inner child. I just so happen to live that dream every day as a Disney Marketing Consultant. It may not be fun and games all the time, but between incredible people I work with and the unique nature of each day, I sure can’t complain. And hey, free Disney tickets sure don’t hurt either! Care to join me?”

In the revised profile example, the profile writer is no longer just an online dating cliche. Her personality shines through, she stands out from the competition, and she reveals many attractive personality traits in ways that feel natural, not forced.

The “needy and negative energy” profile example

“I need a guy who can make me laugh, wants to try new things, doesn’t cause drama, and has goals in life. If you don’t have a steady job and are not in my desired age range, I’m sorry but please move on to the next profile.”

There is nothing wrong with wanting (or not wanting) the qualities listed above. But the manner in which this profile is written will send all the wrong signals. This profile example comes across as needy, negative, and creates the impression that the profile writer may have had bad experiences with online dating in the past.

In addition, you will never scare off the men you don’t want by declaring all the qualities you are hoping to avoid. Most of these men aren’t even reading your profile anyway or simply don’t care. But you will scare off the all good guys out there by giving off negative energy.

The New and Improved Profile Example:

New: “If you are driven, down to earth, and love to try new things, we may just be one email away from hitting it off. If you can keep me laughing on top of that, maybe we should just start planning the second date now? :)”

This revised example is more or less sending the same overall message, that she wants someone who can make her laugh, has goals, etc., but it does so in a way that is unique, playful, slightly flirtatious, and fun. Overall, the tone sounds extremely positive. These are all qualities that men are attracted to. With online dating, proper word choice and phrasing make all the difference in the world.

Want some risk-free professional help?

How to write a good dating profile for a woman over 50

Just imagine the difference in your results if every single word of your profile had the same attention to detail as the online dating profile examples above. This is exactly what our experts have specialized in for almost a decade.

Example Dating Profiles For Women

My profile writing staff at JoshuaPompey.Com (The profile writing portion of our company) has been helping women to attract quality men online at a success rate of over 99% since 2009. All profiles comes with a full refund guarantee, unlimited revisions, and a lifetime photo review. Click here to learn more about our risk-free profile writing service

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It is unfortunate that so many people join dating sites but so few put a fair effort into writing a really good profile that makes them stand out from thousands of other users. I am not sure why people go through the trouble of signing up and filling all those questionnaires and then post a profile that looks like a copy of any other neutral, boring, profile full of cliches and types.

What makes any female dating profile great is the fact that it stands out from the rest of the profiles on any given online dating site. It doesn’t blend in. It’s not generic, neutral and overly politically correct. It doesn’t describe you with overused adjectives such as “intelligent, compassionate, educated, and independent” and it is free of boring statements that say nothing such as “I am as comfortable staying in as staying out.”

Rather than continue describing what a good profile is, I want to bring to your attention real examples of three actual dating profiles from on popular site that I rated for content. I commented in parentheses throughout the profiles below what I thought of them and why:

Example Dating Profile #1: Grade C+

I gave this profile a passing grade because while it’s not great, nothing about it makes it terrible.

“I have been in the ——- area for a few years now and always looking to meet new people. (This first sentence says nothing eye-catching about the woman and is very bland, and boring). I am a very hard worker and love my job. I work a lot, but I know how to balance well. I enjoy
meeting new people and going to new places. (still, nothing thought provoking or attractive) I am very spontaneous and I love the outdoors, watching movies, dancing, and traveling. (Another cliché statement that is being used by thousands of other women) A great date can be staying at home with a movie and popcorn, or a night on the town. (This statement has no purpose whatsoever). I made myself a promise a few years ago to take a vacation somewhere new, out of state, every year. I have not been disappointed yet. I would really love to see Europe. (Finally something somewhat interesting that she says about herself).

Well, that is a little about me if you are interested say
hello and we will chat. Talk to you soon!!”

Profile #2: Grade: B

This profile gets a higher grade because it reflects on the writer’s character and her personality. It’s a bit negative and has a few red flags but other than that – it’s not bad!

“100% Italian, fun loving, affectionate young lady who knows what it takes to make a relationship work. Tired of meeting BOYS who tell me what I want to hear, make and break promises, and aren’t ready for something serious. (This woman is voicing her opinion and shows her personality early on. (Great move!))

You: Honest, mature, gentleman, emotionally, mentally, financially secure (“financially secure” is a bad move in a dating profile because it’s an immediate red flag to a guy that he might be dealing with a materialistic woman.) Knows how to treat a lady, ready for a long term
relationship (this would sound a bit too eager or even desperate to most guys. First, meet a guy, then decide what you want out of him). Please……mean what you say and say what you mean!!! (that’s a good statement).
I live on the East Coast and travel to West every week for work. Being in California 4 days/week gets lonely. (This would make the reader believe that she is not looking for anyone special, but just someone to kill time with and subdue her loneliness). I am looking to meet someone in the this area and see what happens! Relocating for the right person is definitely an option. First date….not sure!!! I am willing to entertain any reasonable offer. 🙂 (good, funny, statement that shows personality and sense of humor, she should have used more of this kind of words throughout her profile). ”


Profile #3 : Grade: A

This is one great dating profile. It consists a number of thought provoking statements right from the beginning that show a woman’s great personality and sense of humor. It’s eloquently written, it’s concise, straight and to the point! It is free of fluff and very compelling for a guy who can appreciate this type of no-nonsense attitude in a person:

“I don’t like most guys, but… I am not interested in most guys and besides perhaps that what makes those few unique individuals that I do connect with all more special. (Great, thought provoking opener that shows a woman’s engaging personality. Myself – restless, analytical, and opinionated. I am not offended by a dirty joke and can dish out one of my own. I am independent but far from being a feminist. Sarcasm is a spice of life, so bring it on. (Guys really, really like to hear that). Timeless books and movies that make you wonder for days about whose side you are on put great flavor into many of my evenings. What’s your story? What are you greatest pet-peeves and what makes you weak in your knees from joy and happiness.”

Tall Woman Dating Profile

Profile #4: Grade A+

This last profile below gets the highest great for both the content and the creativity. It almost sounds like a poem. What I particularly like about this profile is that it shows that a woman hasn’t lost faith in true love and romance but at the same time she is also realistic. The ending of it might sound a bit on a more desperate side, but all in all – maybe it’s not such a terrible thing to sound a bit desperate for love and connection if that’s how you really feel.

Examples Of Dating Profiles For Females Over 50

“I don’t know if the world is going to run forever, but I know I’m not going to be around forever!
I don’t know if I will finally meet you to warm my heart and join for a better, happier journey, but I know I can’t stop looking for you, and can’t stop calling you in my heart…
I also don’t know what life holds for me tomorrow, but I do know that we can only get older and I feel safer to get old with you. Someone to remember the days with, and to grow with.
All profiles repeat the same. Everyone is crying out to say how good they are, how cool they are, how fun they are. But how real are you, and how content are you with your real you? I’m tired of the lies, of the fakes…I want someone real! I want my “best friend”, I think this says it all!
Maybe it’s about the right time, right place, right person… can online dating be any good? We’ll see :)”

Dating Profile Examples Over 50

Use the above profiles as an inspiration for your own dating profile to make it more creative and more interesting. Remember, quality single guys that you are looking to meet are more picky than others. Many of them are looking for a special connection with a special woman. If you know how to and are able to communicate through your dating profile that you are not just another average girl, it will significantly increase your chances of meeting better and more interesting men online.